Friday, September 01, 2006

The Captains Wardrobe

A ship was sailing the ocean long ago when the lookout called out, "Captain, two pirate ships on the horizon!" The captain remained calm, saying, "Men, bring me my red shirt!" His men brought him his red shirt, and the captain led his men to a brave victory against the odds.

A few days later, the lookout called, "Captain, three pirate ships on the horizon!" Once again, the captain asked for his red shirt, and once again he led them to a courageous victory, although his men were greatly outnumbered. Later that day, one of the captain's men asked him why he always asked for his red shirt. The captain chuckled and said, "Well, that's just so that if I get wounded you won't see my blood, and you'll fight without fear."

A few days later, the lookout called out, "Captain, eighty-seven pirate ships on the horizon!" The captain quickly yelled, "Men, bring me my brown pants!"