Friday, February 17, 2006

News Flash

Bush Fails To Prevent East Coast Blizzard
Minorities Hit Hardest

Dateline: Washington DC - 02/12/06

As President Bush and his staff cowered in the White House, the snow
continued to pile up on the many poor and African Amercian victims who could
not afford to get out of town or to safety in Florida. Crucial supplies of
blankets, hot cocoa, popcorn and dark rum - so essential to surviving the
stress of any major snowstorm - lay in stores undelivered.

"Where is the government? I need my sidewalk shoveled so I can get out to
buy my damn lottery tickets!" said one D.C. resident from his living room.
"Why are we wasting money in Iraq when we could be spending it here on me?"
Progressive blogs blasted the President for his inaction. "We find the
timing terribly suspicious - just as the Domestic Spying hearings kick
into high gear, what happens? A major northeast Blizzard. Why now?" wrote
blogger FUAmericaNBush2.

Hearings into the Blizzards' effect on hearings are almost a certainty.
Howard Dean has suggested he will call for an investigation once his new
medications kick in and John Kerry took a break from the sporting activities
of the glamorous super-rich in some exotic locale (random choice: Ice
Sailing in Finland) to call for new legislation outlawing snowstorms. "The
Republican Congress has dropped the ball once again. I have always been a
staunch supporter of anti-snow legislation, except for certain locations
where I ski. Snow has no business on our roads and the President and
Congress knows that."

Calls for impeachment over "SnowGate" as some are calling it already are
mounting as deeply as the snow itself, and what will be discovered
underneath will prove to have a truly chilling effect on the Republicans, as
the inevitable thaw proceeds.

Or something like that.

More breaking news......
Al Sharpton wants an investigation as to why snow is ALWAYS white.

Dick Cheney has stock in Tru-Value Hardware.
Do you have any idea how many SNOW SHOVELS they sold today to the
unsuspecting consumer?

I demand to know why FEMA has been so late in reacting to this storm. THEY
KNEW IT WAS COMING! And yet they failed to have crews in place to fix the
electricity as soon as it went off. It just shows that Bush and the
Republicans just don't care about the people in the N.E. The Senate needs to
investigate this with administration people under oath.

I'll bet that the great junior senator from N.Y. has opened the doors of her
home to all of the heatless poor of her neighborhood and is busy baking
cookies for them while her husband applies body heat to the nearly frozen
teen-aged girls.